Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wowzers... I am really behind

So time flies when you are having fun! Our little stinker is 10 weeks old already and we have been having a blast! Boston is growing everyday and he is becoming so much fun. He is so attentive and alert and loves making eye contact. He is so smiley and has the biggest grin! He had his two month appointment and here are his stats:
Head-39 1/2 cm-10% percentile, which he gets from his mama
Weight-11 pounds 15 Ounces- 25% percentile
Height- 23.5 inches-50% percentile
I went back to work at 8 weeks and it was a bit of an adjustment, but we are getting things down. I just love being a mommy and can't imagine things without him. Here are plenty of pictures to keep you entertained.

Boston's Best Friend Easton

We ran the love your body 5k on October 9th and it was my mom and Jenny's first race ever.
He is waving hello

Boston with his friend skeletor and Paisley just watching out for his little brother


Bosty loves his bumbo

The bathtime still is one of his favorite times
Tayla loved holding Boston
My sweet grandparents met Boston

My beautiful friends!

My sweet bestie that moved away to Spokane :( We miss you Tara!
Daddy and Boston taking a nap

Boston's first trip to Cabela's

1 comment:

Kristi Neeleman said...

Love the pic of Bob and Virginia!! And Lisa looks great!