Friday, December 17, 2010

::4 Months::

Boston had his 4 month check up on the 10th of December. He is growing like a little weed. Everytime we go to the doctor I think he is going to weigh more than he actually does. He feels like a chunk, but really is just average.

His Stats:

Length: 25.5 Inches -79th percentile
Weight: 14 pounds 6 ounces- 48th percentile
Head: 41 cm- 24th percentile ( he got his mama's pinhead)

Fun Stuff he has been up too:

  1. Sleeping in his own crib
  2. Rolling over and over, he loves this
  3. Eating rice cereal
  4. Sleeps through the night occasionally
  5. Laughs/giggles/smiles constantly
  6. Grabs on to anything and everything, and then shoves it in his mouth
  7. He loves to suck on his thumb
  8. He loves his tigger blanket/animal
  9. Has really tries to sit up by himself
  10. Really wants to try to crawl
  11. Loves Loves Loves his bouncer/jumperoo
  12. Loves to have books read to him
  13. Is constantly moving/never wants to hold still

Before the shots-so HAPPY

1 comment:

Erin and Eric said...

Shots are the worst.His tear rimmed eyes make me sad for him.