Friday, April 16, 2010

Sugar anyone?

I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday
and it was probably my least favorite appointment so far. I had to do the glucose test, which involved me drinking this nasty drink below, which is 50 grams
of glucose a.k.a a ton of sugar, to challenge my system and see how well my body reacts.
If my body has trouble it could possibly mean I have gestational diabetes.
After drinking this, I waited an hour and then they took my blood.
I felt like CRAP all day long. I felt like I had a major crash from sugar,
oh wait I did. I was tired, lethargic, and Blah all day long.
You know the song by Ke$ha, blah blah blah, yeah that's how I felt.
To make matters worse, my doc said " yeah, I probably don't want to see you gain anymore weight the rest of the pregnancy." That is some funny sh*t right there.
I have 3 1/2 more months, explain to me how that is going to happen.
I will try my best doctor. Other than that things look great.
The baby is measuring exactly 23 weeks and the heart beat sounded great.
He was moving around like crazy because of the sugar hype he was induced with.
I will hopefully not hear from the doctor on the results, meaning that I passed the glucose test.
Wish me luck!


Brad.Kenz.Max.Kannon said...

YUCK! I hated that crap too! I gained a total of 50 punds Heid! You still look so little and most of it is water weight anyways! It's nice when you get on the scale when you get home and you've lost 30 pounds in 2 days! HECK YA! ha ha good luck with it all!

Cass Bradshaw said...

I agree with the Nelsons! Hang in there... and tell your Dr. to stuff it!