Saturday, August 14, 2010

August 19th?

Well, I am now 40 weeks and 2 days. WHAT?! I never in a million years thought I would be overbaked. I am dilated to a 4 and 80% effaced, but not having any real contractions. My doctor is estimating that this baby is about 9 pounds? So much for wearing any of his newborn clothes, which fit 5-8 pounds! I am so so so so over this pregnancy thing. I even stooped as low as drinking castor oil and CAN you believe it?! NOTHING I MEAN NOTHING happened. I know he is ready to come out, but if he won't do it on his own, I am being induced on the 19th. I really hope something happens before then though.


Erin and Eric said...

I can't believe they are going to make you wait until the 19. That seems like too long. He will be ten pounds! NOT OK Heidi's DR, Not OK!

Shayna said...

Oh my heck Heidi! you poor girl! that just seems like too long to wait. i'm suprized they aren't doing it sooner!!!!! good luck, and i hope he comes before then as well

Kristi Neeleman said...

Yeah. I can totally relate to the clothes thing. Felix (9.4) could wear her newborn clothes for about ..... 10 minutes.
Robee (10.9) NEVER put on a newborn outfit. He was jogging out of me and right into 6 month clothes. Which is why I was SO glad I didn't buy a lot of clothes. Onesies are the best anyway. Too hot for anything else for awhile. Stick with those.
So sorry.
Tell your doc that I'm coming after her for putting you through this hell ... after the babe is born of course.

Haueter Photography said...

Hang in there! I am excited to meet this baby. I hope all is well for you guys. Take care!

Aleisha Haueter