Thursday, September 2, 2010

2 weeks

My Little Man is two weeks old today! Time really is flying by. He had has two week check up and everything looked really well. He is 8 pounds which is up from when he left the hospital at 7 pounds 4 ounces and he is 21 and 3/4 inches long, and he was born at 20 inches long. His umbilical cord has officially all fallen off and he seems like he is really filling out. He is a little hungry monkey and wants to eat ALL of the time. I swear all I do is feed him.
-He LOVES his baths
-Hates to be burped
-Likes to pee and spit up on me
-Is more alert and likes to stretch out and lay on his back
-Likes to be swaddled, but likes his arms out
-He is a very noisy sleeper, he is always making coo's, grunts, and little crys
-He ususally wakes up every 3-4 hours at night
-His daddy and mommy really love him
Paisley thought this was for her. She is so confused why she can't play with all these squeaky fun new toys. Poor baby :(
Boston trying out his tummy time mat, he isn't too interested just yet

Daddy all dressed up for the big Utes game. He is so excited! Boston looks like his cheering too!

1 comment:

Lacy Ann :) said...

Time for another update! Week 3!