Friday, December 17, 2010


This year for Thanksgiving we went down to Phoenix to see AUNT RANDI. This was her first time meeting Boston and she loved him. We left and stayed in St.George, before the big "blizzard" hit, and then drove the rest of the way to AZ the next day. He actually did pretty well in the car considering. He was pretty fed up the last hour though. We had a blast in AZ, shopping, going to dinner and just hanging out. Randi and I braved the shoppers on Black Friday and got some great deals on a computer and TV. Boston felt left out on Thanksgiving, so he got to try his first real food-Sweet Potatoes! He loved them! Although, he couldn't quite figure out how to keep most of it in his mouth.
On the way home from AZ, we actually did get caught in the huge winterstorm and it took us 15 hours to get home, when it should have only been about 10. We all had enough of the car. We were on so tense and on edge, because of the road conditions. I think we have had our share of road trips for awhile. Next time we will be flying :)

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