Monday, February 14, 2011

6 month check up

Boston had his 6 month check up a couple days early, but he had a fun time at the doctor's office with the paper on the table. He didn't love it too much when the doctor came in.

Boston is...

26.5 inches(aproximately he wouldn't hold still enough to measure him) 25-50%
16 pounds 8 ounces 25%
and his head was 42.4cm 10%

Poor little man had to get 3 shots, get the earwax buildup scraped out of his ears and had his circumsion cut again because it wasn't healing properly. Definitely not the best trip to the doctor we have had :(

Boston a.k.a chunky monkey, bubba, b, boo, bugga boo loves...
baby einstein- my lifesaver in the morning
baby food mainly cereal, and fruits, the whole vegetable thing is still kinda funky
to put the blanket over his head to fall asleep
his singing musical night light
putting his binky in out of his mouth
reading books
playing with blocks
grandma's and grandpa's
smiling and laughing
ripping things up
putting everything in his mouth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boston you are one of my absolute favorite people. haha such a cutie.
Come play at Grandma and Grandpa Graham's so we can play.
Love Aunt Hailey