Wednesday, February 9, 2011

As of late...

Jake holding Boston, and Easton giving Boston lots of loves. It was adorable although, he didn't really know his strength and kept smothering him.

Boston loves putting everything in his mouth! Clothes are no exception.

Boston is loving exploring his new toys. First thing he does is shove them in his mouth, and then bangs on them :)
Boston still loves bathtime. I am so excited to go swimming with him this summer. He is going to have a blast. What have you moms thought about the baby swimming?

His daddy so in love with him. We are so blessed to have him in our lives.

Paisley can't stand when the baby is center of attention. She either trys to steal his attention or hang around to see if any food is dropped.

The things my boys do when I am gone....

Boston got this big bear from his grandpa for Christmas. Grandpa Brent goes on road trips every few weeks and always gets him a stuffed animal. We now call him "papa bear."

Boston's future best bud Easton

Dayna.Tiff.Me and Tami at the Poker tournament


Josh being a goofball

Do you see where Boston gets his gorgeous blue eyes?

Paisley trying to have Boston play with her toys. Boston absolutely loves Paisley. He giggles and laughs any time Paisley is near him. Paisley is so gentle with him and loves to give him kisses on cue.

Boston looks sooo much like his dad, although he does look like his mom too. He is about ready for another haircut. When we do get it cut, he will be a blonde little boy.


Shayna said...

you will have so much fun swimming with him... not that i'm a mom {yet} but i think swimming is the best! i am so excited to take my little guy and he's not even born.. so who knows he wont be doing a lot of swimming just sitting... but hey.. its still fun right? you'll have to come to logan and we'll go to the pool here!!

Kristi Neeleman said...

Swim swim and MORE swim!! I started taking Felix when she was about a year old to the Farmington pool because it has a graduated entrance (also called a beach entrance now). This way the crawling babies are a little safer by taking the water in a bit at a time.
Then once I moved to St Geo, took Robee and Felix to their aqua center. Both kids adore swimming now and I know it's because I took them when they were little. Get a tiny jacket (I personally thing floaties are dangerous but that's just MHO of course) and let him float with you once he gets used to a big pool.
You will have such fun. See you soon I hope!