Saturday, March 20, 2010

19 weeks... and the verdict is in....

This is not a great picture... but we are having a handsome little BOY!! It was definitely a shock too me.... I had a feeling the whole time we were having a girl. When the technician said it's definitely a boy Josh screamed out "YES!" He didn't hide any of his emotions thats for sure. I just sat there stunned for a second... It's amazing to know that we have a healthy little baby! I couldn't be happier!! Everything looked really well... As for my due date, they still say I am due around the 10th so somewhere in the first few weeks of August, we should have our little man. I made sure that he was definitely a boy, the tech said "If they don't hand you a little boy in the hospital they have given you the wrong baby." So I guess that definitley confirmed it for me! We had a blast shopping for the little man, we found some really cute plaid shorts, polo onesies and even some little loafer shoes and sandals. He already has 3 pairs of shoes, I think he might have a shoe fetish like his mommy :)

I am getting bigger and bigger as each day goes by. I feeling great, just having occasionally rib and back pain. The 2nd trimester has been great! I have so much more energy, and desire to actually move my body. We are officially half way done?! How did that happen so quickly. Now on to decorating the nursery, well I have to go shopping now ;)!


Erin and Eric said...

Yeah! I am so excited for you!!! I love your tummy. Take a billion pictures of it because this is the fastest 9 months you will ever see in your life!

Shayna said...

So cute Heidi! i'm so excited for you, and i can just see a little josh-heidi boy running around! SO CUTE!

Julianne Howes said...

Hooray! Boys are seriously the best, Heidi. (Then again, i don't have a girl... but I know you'll LOVE it!) You look so cute pregnant!!!!

Alex and Anna said...

Congrats heidi!! little boys are sooo fun you will love it! you look so cute!! way excited for you