Saturday, February 20, 2010

The dreaded picture

Because some have asked....Here you go!

15.3 weeks..... eeek


Colette said...

Your "little" bump is so cute Heidi!

...will and bobbi... said...

Lookin Good! I can't wait until you find out what you are having!! YAY!

Kristi Neeleman said...

Ok. Speaking from a woman who carried a 10 1/2 lb baby .... you WILL want these photos after you've delivered. You will. Do not hesitate to take side pics of yourself ... no matter how you you think you look. Stop it.
Because one day, years from now, you won't remember how big you were and you will have a ten year old child standing next to you and you'll wonder where all those years went and wonder how you were able to sit, stand, roll over, etc. with that big tummy.
But if you don't take pics, you'll have NOTHING to show for all the tears, smiles, snuggles, tiny heartbeats, feet-in-your ribs moments that are going to be taking place very soon.
Fat is not part of your vocabulary when you are pregnant. "With child" is and you should show it off proudly.
There. I can get off of my soapbox now. Listen to your aunt Kiki. I haven't made it to 47 for nothing, you know.
And I still owe you a book.

*Zach & Meg* said...

Heidi I think that you look so cute!! I can't wait to hear what you are having....good luck with everything!