Saturday, July 10, 2010

Baby B's room

It's FINALLY done!! I am so happy to finally have the baby's room done. It has been a long few months and I am glad I started right after I found out what we were having. Now, I just can't wait to have the baby to put in the room. I am 35 and half weeks!! I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday and I get checked to see if I am dialated at all. I hope there is some progress... My fortune cookie on Tuesday said " You will meet someone that will benefit you in the next week." So you never know?! Honestly, I am not quite ready for him to be here just yet. I am very uncomfortable and can't do anything, but he can stay in and cook for a little bit longer.


Wes and Dani said...

Way way way cute room! I am SO in awe. When we have a baby, you can design our room. :)

Good luck!

Seth & Kirie said...

I LOVE his room! Super cute, Heidi :) Can't wait to see pictures and to meet him when I'm eventually up in Utah again!

Bryce and Britt said...

So cute!! I know who to call when I need a baby's room decorated!! :) LOVE it!