Thursday, July 22, 2010

37 Weeks

This baby is going to be here soon! I had a doctor's appointment today and was dilated to 2.5 cm and 50 % effaced. He is head down in the pelvis and the doctor said he is approximately 7-7.5 pounds!! GEEZ! He needs to come out now, before he gets any bigger. I think I am over this whole pregnancy thing. I really want to just start being a mommy! I feel like a big blob, I am only able to just lay on the couch. I can't wait to be active and go running again. Bobbi and Lacy took some maternity pictures, they did a great job, even though I look horrible in most all of them! Hopefully, I have some good progression this next week.

1 comment:

Alex and Anna said...

Heidi I love the pictures!! you look gorgeous in them! I hope you are doing well the last part is hard but he will be here soon! I love his room too!