Monday, January 25, 2010

Fitness Tests

At my job, I have been having my clients perform fitness tests to determine their baseline, then in a few months we will test them again. The tests are pretty simple (Or so I thought)

Pushup Test: However many pushups how they can do in one minute

Step Test: Step up and down on an aerobic step that is 10 inches tall, for 3 minutes. After the time is up I will get their heart rate, and see how quickly the heart can recover

Flexibility Test: Good ol' fashion sit and reach test... Sitting on the ground with feet straight out, a ruler is placed at their heels with the 15 inch mark. The client reaches with both hands as far forward as they can and touch the ruler without bending their knees.

They sound so simple right?! I have seen so many people that are so out of shape it amazes me. I have had people not able to finish the step test. It's only 3 minutes?! I feel like not only are our portion sizes too big, but we have so many CONVINENCES that we have become so LAZY!

Please everyone, value your health, because once you become ill, it's a lot harder to become healthy again rather than never have to come back from the illness. Get your bodies moving and become a better person with a higher quality of life.

This just really has made me realize how important our health is and how many don't value it.


Nate Jessica and Ryker said...

Amen sista!! I totally agree!! It is sickening how lazy America has become!!

Alex and Anna said...

very true

Erin and Eric said...

Hey Heidi. I ran my first full mile for my 5k training. I did it in 15.39(I suck). I finally pushed myself past the 5 minute mark. See you on Thursday!!! Wanna do lunch?

Kristi Neeleman said...

Which is why I am SOOO grateful for being in TaeKwonDo. For our fitness test, we have to do as many situps, pushups, punches, kicks and a combination of punches and kicks in one minute with a 30 rest between each set (situp, rest, pushup, rest, etc.) for a total of 300 of whatever combination comes out. For instance, my pushups suck so I may only get 15 in one minute, but I can make up for it in my punches and get 150 punches in the next set.
It's exhausting but we do it once or twice a month to keep our totals above 300 for our Black Belt. If it weren't for that, I would be way out of shape.
I don't want to be Grandma Lucy and end up on a couch.
And I still have that book to send you too!! I haven't forgotten!

RileyandChristinaShaw said...

I like this post. It's very important to stay active and stay healthy. I haven't been the healthiest lately and I totally know how it feels struggling to come back from an fun.. i definitely will try have a higher quality of life not only for me but for my children!! So glad to see you doing soo good!! you look great too!