Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Brighton Lakes

This Summer my mom and I have been hiking every weekend. We have explored many different canyons and trails in beautiful Utah. I have never really hiked the great outdoors, and boy was I missing out. Last Sunday, we went up to Brighton ski resort and hiked the mountain to what is known as the Brighton Lakes.

 The first Lake we came to was Lake Mary. It was definitely worth the hike up the rugged terrain. It was gorgeous! It was so picteresque really. My mom and I were talking and wondering who gets to name lakes? We would have named this glass lake if we got the chance, because there was not a ripple or wave to be found. The next Lake we came upon is Lake Martha, and finally Lake Catherine.
Here is a clasic picture of us hiking. We are nice and sweaty!  

We saw some cool wildlife and flowers on this hike. We saw mule deer, a moose and many squirrel looking things. They were in love with us because we kept giving them a granola bar and they were fighting over it. It was a little scary at times how close they got. I wasn't sure if they were going to attack to try and get food.

If you have explored Utah, I highly recommend it. It's B.E.A.U.tiful!

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