Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hurricane Boston

Boston is 13 months old.
He makes HUGE messes every day.
His favorite thing to do every morning is take EVERYTHING out of the bathroom drawers and throw it on the floor.
He likes to pull every book off of the shelf.
He is a blanket baby. He will roll around on the ground with his blanket.
He throws lots of fits and when he doesn't get his way, he will get in the ostrich stance. (i.e. head on the ground with feet wider than his hips)
He is a little tyke.
Stats from 1 year check up
Weight 19.6 Pounds (5th percentile)
Height 29 3/4 inches (5th percentile)
Head (10th percentile)
I don't know where he gets his petiteness from.
Loves to give kisses now. He says MUAH as he kisses you.
He can say "hi", "good girl"(to the dog), "mama", "dada," "cookie", "thank you", "muah", "ew", "bye"
He LOVES being outside and going outside. About 15 times a day he will grab your hand and walk towards the front door to go out.
He likes to make a bee line for the bathroom to go grab the dog food and splash in the water when he sees the door is open.
He loves his little four wheeler he got for his birthday.
His favorite toy is a CAT tractor that rumbles and makes noise.
His tricks are: high five, down low, shake, clap, blow kisses, wave bye, give kisses, shakes his head no, points the remote at the tv, picks up the phone and has a "conversation", uses any brush to try to comb his hair, points at everything.
Mimics everything we do.
Loves to push the barstools around the kitchen.
He loves animal crackers, hotdogs, mac and cheese, carrots, strawberries, yogurt, oatmeal, cereal, puffs, and anything we are eating.
He wears size 3 diapers.
He wears 6-12 month clothes still.
Boston wakes up at 5:45 to 6:30 AM every morning and goes to bed at 8:30 PM.
 The daily messes at our house. Dvd's and books pulled off all the shelves.
Daily bathroom look. All of the stuff taken out of all of the drawers.
He loves pushing around anything!!

 My silly monkey!

He loves walking Paisley!! Paisley doesn't love it as much!


carley said...

love this! he went from baby b to a little boy so quick. miss seeing you and this little guy.

The Laybourne's said...

He is so cute!!! you still need to bring him in so i can see him...