Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Boston's Circus Party

Boston had a massive Circus party on August 13th, even though his birthday was on the 19th(josh had to go deer hunting). I spent months dreaming and planning his birthday as you can see from every little detail. Josh thought I was a little bit extreme to have this huge party, but I wanted to celebrate with all our friends and family this wonderful year we have had with our little man. It was such a bittersweet day having him turn {one} He is such a ball of fun, and has the cutest personality, but it does make me miss the sweet little cuddly newborn, he was just a short year ago.

A big thanks to everyone that helped make this circus a true success!


Thanks Bobbi Hadfield for all the great pictures!


Eating birthday cake

Thanks to Lacy Broberg-Zimmerman for the awesome cake!


Beau, Ashley, + Noah said...

You did such a great job! ADORABLE!

Erin and Eric said...

I love this whole idea! I might have to steal it for one of Eric's birthdays :) great job!!!

PS...We still need to get together sometime. I miss your face.